From NeOn Wiki
NeOn Toolkit Developers Log
- changed internal string representation to OWL Functional Syntax
- NTK updated to OWL API 3.2.0
- update RCP/Eclipse to 3.6
- NTK updated to OWL API 3.1.0
- Search result is not be shown - fixed
- BugFix Search - Annotation Value
- Unable to select/switch workspaces - fixed
- changed display style of search result
- changed jump behaviour for search results, especially for axioms
- quantifiers changed to Manchaster Syntax
- edit*/remove* for axioms of imported Ontologies, to edit and remove the axioms in the importing ontology
- help pages range and domain view
- range view: see domain view, all kind of ranges
- crtl-jump with local names works now for classes, object properties and data properties
- com.ontoprise.ontostudio.dependencies plugin is obsolete as of 10.10.10 (on HEAD on the way to NTK 2.3.3).
- Do not use it anymore. If you need access to jpowergraph-0.1-swt.jar you can get it from org.neontoolkit.jpowergraph.
- removed a lot of unnecessary jar files from com.ontoprise.dependencies reducing the footprint by about 3MB
- set priority in TODO-List of Enrico
- Klausurtagung: Rudiverse
- Search result is now represented as tree
- Search result representation
- determine Lines Of Code of NTK
- Bugfix: Search
- Change: Search output for "find References" as OWLAxiom
- Change: display of the current ontology in the EPV(optional: has to be set in the preferences)
- change: licensing conditions, to mention NeOn Technology Foundation Ltd. in about NTK
- Change: restructure the contextmenu put KC-Viz and the OntoViz in an folder
- Change: auto-complete the type for dataproperties
- Create: Import-Export function for SEALS Evaluation
- learned about some NeOn PlugIns:
- LabelTranslator
- ODEMapster
- OWLDoc
- Gontt
- FormTemplate
- KC-Viz
- First steps with NTK:
- meet some people which created the NTK
- learn about the architecture of NTK
- others