From NeOn Wiki

Ontology Module Composition

Developed by Peter Haase, Qiu Ji
Last Update 08.06.2010
Current Version 1.4.0warning.png"{{{Current Version}}}" cannot be used as a page name in this wiki.
Subversion Ontology Module Composition Subversion
Bugzilla Ontology Module Composition Bugzilla
License EPL
Affiliation AIFB
Topic Modularization and Customization
NTKVersionFrom 2.3.2
NTKVersionTo 2.4.2
Video Ontology Module Composition Video

The Module Composition plug-in provides the functionalities to manipulate two modules. Specifically, it contains four main functionalities as follows:

  • Compute the union between two modules by considering or ignoring namespace
  • Calculate the intersection between two modules by considering or ignoring namespace
  • Compute the difference between two modules by considering or ignoring namespace
  • Align two modules