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Collaboration Support

Developed by Peter Haase, Raul Palma, Qiu Ji
Review not available
Status not available
Last Update 08.11.2008
Current Version [[current version:= <ask format="template" template="CurrentVersion" limit="1" searchlabel="" sort="version number" order="descending" default="no version available"> 1.x/Workflow Support *</ask>]]
Homepage not available
License EPL
NTKVersion 1.2.3

Support the collaborative ontology development. This plugin is in charge of the workflow management and enactment.


Functional Description

The main purpose of the Collaboration Support plugin is to track the ontology changes and then manipulate these changes according to the role of a user, where the user could log on / out or register in a preference page. Specifically,

For a viewer:

  • Browse the changes in different status which are made by other subject experts or validators.

For a subject expert:

  • Select the elements in Draft status and sent them to the validator for approval, by changing the status of the elements from "Draft" to "To be approved".

For a validator:

  • Approve elements and thus to move them from the "To be Approved" status to the "Approved" status.
  • Reject element proposed to them to review in the "To be approved" status and send them back to the "Draft" status for the Subject Expert to check, update or complete.
  • Move back to the "To be approved" status an element already approved, if they consider it necessary
  • Reject a proposal for an element’s deletion that are on the "To be deleted" status. In this case the element goes back to the "Approved" status
  • Accept the deletion and definitely destroy an element in the "To be deleted" status

How to install it

  • Download the OysterPlugin release from
  • Extract and copy the Oyster Plugins JAR packages downloaded from this page into the plugins directory inside the filesystem location where NeOn Toolkit is installed.

User Documentation

In this section, we first introduce the preference page for a user to log on / out or do registration. Then the workflow support plugin will be demonstrated to show how it works according to different roles. Before you follow the steps below, please make sure you have started registry by following the steps in NeOn Toolkit: Registry --> Start registry, or you could simply click on the button with some blue dots in the tool bar of NeOn Toolkit.

Collaborative Development Preference

1. You could find this preference page by following these steps in NeOn Toolkit: Window --> Preferences -->Collaborative Development Preference.

2. If you are a new user, you could do registration in the “Register” part by filling in your first name and last name and choosing a role for yourself. Then you can click the button of “Register”. If there is a person who has the same first name and last name as yours, you need to use a different first name or last name. Otherwise, you will be registered and log in automatically.

3. If you have registered already, you could log in the “Log in /out” area by inputting your first name and last name.

Figure 1. The page of Collaborative Development Preference.

Workflow Support

1. The four views in this plugin can be found by following these steps: Window --> Show View --> Other --> Workflow.

2. Please log on first in the preference page which have been introduced above and choose an OWL ontology to be tracked by right-clicking an OWL ontology in Ontology Navigator in NeOn Toolkit and then selecting "Log changes". We will introduce the four views according to the role you have registered.

3. If you are a viewer, you have no right to make some changes. But you could browse all the changes in different states (by clicking on the button of “Refresh Changes List”) which are made by the subject experts or validated by the validators. All the changes are shown in grey.

4. If you are a subject expert, you could make some changes for an OWL ontology in the Ontology Navigator in NeOn Toolkit. In the Draft view, you could manipulate these changes by submitting some changes to be approved by clicking the button of "Submit Changes to To be Approved" or deleting the changes by clicking the button of "Delete". See Figure 2 which is an example of Draft View. Please note that you can not manage the changes made by other users which are shown in grey.

Figure 2. Draft view.

5. If you are a validator, you are able to manipulate To Be Approved View, To Be Deleted View and Approved View. Specifically,

  • In To Be Approved View, a validator can decide to accept the changes by changing the change status from "to be approved" to "Approved" using the button of "Approve Changes" or reject them by changing the status to "draft" using the button of "Reject Changes back to Draft".
  • In Approved View, the validator can reject the proposes by changing the status from "approved" to "to be approved" using the button of "Reject Changes Back to be Approved", or propose to delete by changing the status from "approved" to "to be deleted" using the button of "Submit Changes to be Deleted".
  • Finally, in To Be Deleted View, the validator can delete the changes in "to be deleted" status permanently using the button of "Delete Permanently", or reject the proposals by changing the status from "to be deleted" to "approved" using the button of "Reject Changes Back to be Approved".

Implementation Status (percentage)

  • Implementation is 100% complete and this plugin has been integrated into NeOn toolkit